• Noraa Ransey, NBCT
  • Murray, KY
  • #Grade 3 #Grade 2 #Grade 1 #General Elementary #Math #Social Studies #ELA #Science
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What are you reading? Professional or for fun!

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Ashley Thomas
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What are you doing this summer to take care of YOU?!

Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
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Have you thought about working on National Boards? Are you already? What’s holding you back? Why NBCT!?

Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Ashley Thomas Profile image for Jan Ogino
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I am a teacher that plans to retire from the classroom BUT, I love opportunities to lead from the classroom. I’ve chaired committees at the local and state level and am now working with NBCT nationally. https://www.nbpts.org/about/what-book-committee/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3GxulKXE_r9V77pVGdDhEihrVre6tFZpUCM8wolpUrMQOsJBb7HvAjQ7A_aem_Ab0wdKhWHcrhy1S1q64C-qIlhMXqESSKBFOiEqFK0-P2rSqtoNgPuxrA1HnfA-6SLPBb7sL9aVKn2_2gy63QVKVj

My district allows me opportunities to grow professionally and I appreciate this so much. What do you do you do to grow professionally?

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What are you reading? As summer hits I have so much more time to kick back and do what I love, read! Share your favorite professional book as well as a good summer read for enjoyment!

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How do you tackle new curriculum? We got new reading last year which I tackled one module at a time. This year we are switching to a new math and I plan on doing some work and planning this summer in small doses to prepare for next year. What tips do you have?

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How many are in school for the eclipse? What do you have planned? We are in the path of totality and have a day of learning planned!

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT
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The count down to spring break is on in my school. This break brings us great relaxation and joy. Though we love our breaks the true joy of teaching happens with in my school setting! What has been a WIN for you lately? This time of year in first grade we are meeting so many goals and doing things we just knew we’d never do in August. Sometimes it’s as simple as tying a show. Many times it’s finishing a book or a tough math problem on our own, What’s your latest win or anything that’s brought you joy at school ?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT
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Whether it be the week or throughout the year how do YOU feel appreciated for all you do? What is your favorite to give and to receive? What is the best idea you have ever seen in action to boost teacher morale?

Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S
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My journey through Science of Reading and Letrs training has had me trying many new strategies this year. My students LOVE word mapping. We do this regularly in small groups and in large groups as we learn new words. Check out Team Ransey mapping a spelling word.

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What is your favorite Brain Break? With focus low and firsties in need for help staying engaged I work Brain Breaks into my lesson plans. Our favorites can be found on Go Noodle! We find content related breaks, mindful minutes, even rainy day recess resources. Check out

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Kristen Poindexter
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It’s time again for parent teacher conferences. How do you best organize and prepare to communicate and stay on track time wise? I find it essential to have a front and back page guide to cover everything and to stay on track. I love starting with stars and steps. This allows all parents to hear something amazing about their child and also an area to work on. Here is a resource my teammates created that I use for conferences.


What tips do you have for productive conferences?

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Read Across America has begun! How does your school celebrate? Here is a look at one way we celebrate as a school!

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
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Parent-Teacher conferences are right around the corner. What are your best resources or tips for success?

I use Sign-Up Genius to schedule conferences. I have data on a chart to compare their child to a typical peer at grade level. I always ask parents if they would like to start with any questions or concerns. If I think one may take longer I schedule it on another day.

Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
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Students need to see theirselves in what they read. What are your favorite diverse read aloud? Post below!

Names are important and this is one of my favorites to read and discuss!

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Ashley Thomas
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What is your favorite reward for students? What do you celebrate? In first grade we set many small goals to get to a larger goal like learn 10 sight words or read 10 books. Each Friday as goals are met I give an invitation to lunch club. Students eat with me and we chat or watch a quick show while we eat. It has been a favorite for many years.

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Kristen Poindexter
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My best advice to any educator is to SAVE YOUR YES! You will be asked to do all the things. It is important to practice saying no. I’m doing this right now ask me again later. Save your yes for what you are passionate about and it will never feel like work. I love literacy, equity & inclusion, and growing our profession. I save my YES for those areas and even when I am doing a lot, I am doing what I love! Write it on a sticky note in all your spaces to SAVE YOUR YES! Let me know how it goes. 🫶🏽

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My class is doing a First Grade Zoo project in which students in all grades and parents will be joining us for an oral presentation in which my students present and others can ask questions quickly. I have worked with a newer student with no English language from Guatemala. Other than Google Translate what can I do to include him in the presentations Friday? We have his poster and paragraph in English and Spanish, I am wondering if there is anything else out there to create independence for my ELL student in this activity?

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT
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What are your best tips for a new teacher? I’m on year 20 and these are still part of my teaching practice. What advice do you have?

Profile image for Amanda Jessee Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Brian Lassiter
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In Kentucky we have really focused on “belonging” in the DEIB model. How do you ensure all students and families belong in your schools?

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How do you teach growth mindset? I love weaving this topic into my morning meetings. I read Giraffes Can’t Dance week one and we make a chart of things we can’t do yet. Students love using post-it notes and as we meet them through the year add new ones. One thing Ms. Ransey can’t do is jump rope and when I prove this at recess they realize we all have something we can’t do yet! What’s your favorite growth mindset lesson or read aloud?

Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Kristen Poindexter
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How do you build relationships in your classroom?

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What are some mindful strategies you use with your students?

Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Clark Graham Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
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How do you incorporate social emotional learning into your everyday lessons?

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