- Dr. Caryn Long
- Central Florida #Grade 3 #Grade 1 #Grade 4 #Grade 5 #Grade 2 #Kindergarten #ELA #General Elementary #Math #Science #Special Education
- carynlong.weebly.com

If you have never looked at sand under a 🔬 have your students bring samples from their trips. Make an index card slide by cutting a hole in the middle of the index card and placing a pice of packing tape over one side of the hole. Dip the sticky side into the sand sample and tape over it. Write on the index card where the sand came from. Your students will quickly observe how sand is formed from the erosion, weathering and deposition of the native rocks from that region. It is truly powerful!
How would you introduce students to plotting points on a coordinate plane for the first time?
Immerse them in the experience. Using painter's tape(much better than masking tape for removing it cleanly) create a coordinate plane on the floor. Then make a game out of it having them move from the x negative and positive to the negative and positive . Have them go back to their seat and provide them drawing paper and have them draw the plane they moved through. Give them a game piece, or using their fingers and have them do the same thing in 2 dimensions. The next day, have them use that same drawing to label their lines with positive and negative numbers and the x and y. (Using graph paper will help them keep the numbers even spaced. Now using colored pencils have them mark dots/points of coordinates within the plane paying particular attention the the 0,0 or 0,-5 point types.
How would you explain the concept of exoplanets to a fifth-grade class?
How many of.you arr a little salty about Pluto being kicked out of the solar system club? The idea of Exolplanets is actually one amazing way to illustrate that as our understanding changes with research and knowledge gained, that science also changes! For fifth graders I like to immerse them in scientifically accurate diagrams and animations of our planetary system in movement around the sun that include Pluto
Through observation. I then ask various questions about the revolutions of each planet. Eventually it comes up that Pluto's orbit crosses through other planetary orbits. We use this as a launching point for characteristics of Dwarf planets. Other characteristics are the size - typically smaller than other planets, shape - round due to their gravity, and orbital paths are not cleared. Once they understand the characteristics of a Dwarf planet we do a "hunt " for other Dwarf planets in our solar system using nasa.gov. Once they learn of Eris, Orcas and Ceres we do a scientific investigation through research and check to ensure all of these names Dwarf planets fit the characteristics we discovered earlier using Thinking Maps or charts.
How do you teach your students about Dward planets and where they can be found? (Asteroid and Kuiper belts?

Aa professionals we need to be at the table where decisions are made about our profession.
What are effective ways to introduce students to graphing and interpreting data?

How do you determine when a student should move between tiers in the RTI/MTSS framework?

How do you encourage critical thinking and inquiry-based learning in your science classroom?

What are some engaging ways to introduce the topic of space exploration to students with varying levels of interest in science?

How do you manage difficult parents that seem to blame teachers for their child's behavior and absences?

What foundational skills should I focus on to prepare students for success in algebra?
Students need to understand the foundational principles of algebra that include properties for each of the operations and the idea of substitution in variables. Order of operations is also a pivotal skill for Algebra. The key to understanding is knowing that algebra involves equivalencies. Because this can often be very abstract for most upper elementary students, providing as much context as possible makes it easier. I HIGHLY recommend https://borenson.com/product/the-hands-on-equations-learning-system/
It is well worth the investment to purchase this kit for your students to teach the parts of an equation and how to solve algebraic expressions.

Chemistry is too hard for elementary...or is it? Use this lesson to teach your students more about endothermic and exothermic reactions while they learn the basics of chemistry.

Chemistry is too hard for elementary students....or is it? Learn about how to explain chemical reactions and specifically endothermic and exothermic reactions with two very simple "wow" -type experiments! For a copy of the presentation use this link: https://bit.ly/3WNSQmj
How do you manage difficult parents that seem to blame teachers for their child's behavior and absences?

Independent, dependent, constant...what's the difference with science investigations? Check out this video for a simple way to dissect the differences!