- Deanne Moyle-Hicks
- Reno, NV #Grade 3 #Grade 1 #Grade 4 #Grade 5 #Grade 2 #Kindergarten #ELA #General Elementary #Math #Science #Social Studies
- www.deannemoylehicks-2022nvstoy.com/

I provide my students with a notebook. You can get miniature doodle books on Amazon or create them with paper. While listening to the read-aloud, they draw a picture or record words that support their understanding of the story; these can be used later as comprehension checks if needed. Depending on my objective for the read-aloud, I may or may not provide pictures of the story. During and after the read-aloud, they can use their pictures/words to refresh their memory of the story while talking to a partner or engaging in small or whole-group instruction. For a chapter book read-aloud, I ensure there is a page for every chapter or amount that will be read aloud for the day. They create a table of contents at the beginning and use their drawings/words to refer to the story for key details to support their understanding.