- Angela Homan
- Spring Mills, PA #Grade 4 #Grade 5 #ELA #General Elementary #Math #Science #Social Studies
The new year is a great time to review classroom rules and procedures. What creative ways do you use to review the rules?

What are your best practices for designing lessons that meet diverse student needs?
I try to connect content to the real world. Today, we were talking about earthquakes, and I related to Hurricane Helene. In math, provide support for students who have not memorized their multiplication facts. Show how they can build a list of multiples to solve the problem. Stop when you are reading a text and have students talk to a partner to check for comprehension. When you are creating your lesson plans, make sure that the activities are varied.
What other ideas can you share to meet these student needs?
What are your strategies for building trust with students who seem withdrawn or reluctant to engage?
Each student is different. Here are some ideas that I have used.
1. Go back to your beginning of the year student surveys. Find an interest of this student and build it into a lesson. Mention their name as you talk about this interest.
2. Warn this student quietly that you are going to ask them to answer the next question so they are prepared.
3. Give the student a note with a positive message or email the parent with a positive message.
4. Ask the student to help you do something to prepare for a lesson. Draw the picture. Set up the equipment. Engage the student in a conversation while you do this.
What other strategies have you tried?
How do you ensure that your lesson plans are aligned with both state standards and student needs?

How has achieving National Board Certification impacted your teaching practice and career?

What systems do you use to keep track of assignments, materials, and student progress?

What are your go to methods for building strong, trusting relationships with your students?


How do you organize your classroom to maximize student learning and minimize distractions?

What are some strategies for teaching students to organize their writing and develop a strong thesis statement?
I will be absent next week and need to write plans for teaching point of view (first and third person) to fourth graders. Anyone have activities to share?
I have a parent asking for websites to help her son with 4th grade math over the summer. What do you suggest?

How do you reduce test anxiety for state testing?
This year, we are having our younger grades who do not test "adopt" a class and make cards that will be put on our testing students desks each morning.

My fourth graders continue to struggle writing TDAs (text dependent analysis). Do you have any tips to share? If I say TDA, there are groans around the room.