• Ashley Thomas
  • Columbia, SC
  • #Grade 3 #Grade 4 #Grade 5 #Math #ELA
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With some of my second graders, we have been comparing numbers (two and three digit). I created these cards that I printed and laminated to help them. One of the trickiest things about comparing numbers is having students realize that whatever number comes first, that's what you're saying is greater than or less than the next number. We can't just find the largest number.

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Since I'm in the land of fractions right now, I thought I'd share my favorite teaching math meme! It honestly never fails! You feel like you've seen all the light bulbs go on and then this happens!

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Just bought a copy of Beyond Pizza and Pies -- a professional book about fractions! I dove in yesterday and I'm already excited about what I'm learning.

Has anyone read this? What are your thoughts? Also any other good resources for helping 3rd-5th graders learn fractions? This is an area of weakness across our school!

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I started a leadership program through my district in January and one of the videos we had to watch is a Ted Talk called Embrace the Shake. Linked here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrZTho_o_is

One of my biggest take aways is that I don't necessarily have all of the tools, yet, to move into a coaching position, but there are many things I can leverage that I do have so that I can build my strengths. One of them is stepping outside my comfort zone to try new (and sometimes scary) things!

What are some ways you've stepped outside your comfort zone to be a leader inside your school building?

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A new (to me anyway!) site that I recently learned about is Youcubed! I have linked specifically the tasks section of this website because there are so many great ideas here for engaging students in real world math experiences. It appears to be for K through 12th grade, which is awesome! (https://www.youcubed.org/tasks/)

Any other amazing math task websites I need to check out that maybe I haven't?

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A couple of years ago I taught a GT (Gifted and Talented) group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. One thing about gifted students is they love a good project that they can create from scratch. As a way to keeping them engaged, I did some research on passion projects (https://keepemthinking.com/2020/09/discover-the-power-of-passion-projects/ I had a brainstorming sheet I had created, but I cannot find it! This website explains what it is and gives some great ideas on how to get started.) My students absolutely took this and ran with it. At the end of testing season, they explained their projects (attached picture is one of pure joy!) and the students were in awe of each other. It was one of my favorite days of teaching ever!

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One of my favorite read aloud chapter books that I've ever read to students was The Unteachables by Gordon Korman. I loved this book for so many reasons, but the character development is top notch. I have attached a choice board I gave to students after we finished the text for some ideas on what you can do with the book afterwards! What are some of your favorite book studies?

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A few years ago, I got a roll of paper from Target and started writing quotes on it to post outside my door for students to read. It turns out that it wasn't just students who were reading it -- adults did too and would stop by to tell me the ways they related to do the quote. What are some ways you commit to the culture of your school?

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One of my favorite ways to engage students in critical thinking and error analysis is by doing an activity called "Agree or Disagree with Mrs. T." In these activity, I will give students a word problem and then I will solve it (usually wrong with the most common mistakes students make when solving that type of problem). Students have to read the problem, think about how they would solve it, and then look at how I solved it to decide whether they agree or disagree and why. Usually I'm wrong, BUT I have to be right sometimes or they'll just assume I'm wrong and disregard what I did. I have attached a sample so you can see their reflection piece. What are ways you help students catch mistakes?

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When I first started teaching, I had all types of catchy phrases to get students attention (elementary school students loved it!). A few years ago, I read something that changed my direction when it came to this. Instead of trying to get their attention by them responding in some way (verbally or with an action like clapping), I say, "if you can hear my voice, take a deep breath and let it out slowly and silently." Most of the time, after once (maybe twice) of saying this, students are quiet and have slowed down their nervous systems with a deep breath. Even when we're working independently, I will do it. Just to give students a chance to breathe deeply and give their minds a break. Have you tried this? What else do you use to get students attention that has worked well or what have you used to give your students a mindfulness break?

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Working in partners/groups vs. working independently:
One of the best ideas I decided to try out a couple of years ago was creating an anchor chart with students about what each of these looks like and sounds like. (I tried to find a picture of my chart I made my last year as a classroom teacher but couldn't find it!) Students often know what these should look and sound like but having the discussion with them and having them come up with the expectations is so powerful. I've had students have very real and vulnerable conversations that during independent work, the student needs quiet to really do their best work. The way my classes have changed after that vulnerability was drastic. Students (at least elementary age) sometimes believe that teachers are just asking for silence for silence sake; when really it is to give students an opportunity to show their best work. But when it comes from a fellow student, the impact is greater. How do you set up students to be successful in small groups and independently?

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One of the toughest things (but also most rewarding when the mindset shift occurs) is students believing that they can do whatever it is you are asking them to do. As a math interventionist, I work with students who, based on test scores, are struggling in math. While I know that one test score (or even a few) don't define a student, unfortunately, the score(s) travel with them. Once I start meeting with students, I can usually see pretty quickly that some of their 'struggle' has nothing to do with math, it has to do with mindset. We have very honest and real conversations about their experiences in math and what they like vs. what they don't like (or haven't liked in the past). It happens over time, and I recognize that my job is far different than others, but it begins the same: building relationships with students is the foundation to success. Once a student becomes mine, I begin building their confidence slowly and surely by being their biggest cheerleader. I ask that teachers share with me successes in the classroom too so that I can be excited for them. What are some ways you help students build their confidence?

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I was having so much trouble with finding some pattern block task cards to help students who are struggling with geometry skills that I decided to make my own! Attached you will find 16 task cards and all you need is some pattern blocks! What other activities do you do with student to help understand geometry standards?

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I have some third grade students who are starting elapsed time but are struggling with telling time. What amazing resources do you use when teaching time? We have been using clocks of course but would love any resources you may have!

Profile image for Ashley Thomas Profile image for Angela Homan
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Tis the season...for progress monitoring! We use MAP testing in our district for elementary students and one of my favorite ways to encourage them to meet their goals is to first meet with them before the test and discuss what they feel their strengths are and what is something that they'd like more help in. For MAP, they receive their score at the end so I love to write a sticky note (or put it at the top of their scratch paper) what their goal score is so they know immediately if they met it or not. I will also put an encouraging note beside it to remind them how awesome they are.

What are some ways you encourage your students to meet their goals when taking tests?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter
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Vocabulary is such an important part of any instruction. What are some creative ways you use to help students retain vocabulary knowledge more than just word walls?

One of the ways I do it is something Talk a Mile a Minute. I put a topic on the board (example: multiplication) and then list 5-6 words that are associated with the topic (example: product, factor, array, repeated addition, equal groups). Students partner up facing each other, with one student facing the board and the other facing away. The person facing the board will give clues about the different words (think $100,000 Pyramid) so that their partner can guess. After that round, the partners will switch. It only takes about 5-6 minutes but it has been a game changer in my room! Would love to hear other ideas as well!

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Jan Ogino NBCT Profile image for Angela Homan
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I just started in a new district and they do standards-based grading which I love because it gives students more time to practice and work towards mastery. I’m a math interventionist so I don’t give grades anymore but one of the things I did as a teacher was put a plus sign and then they number of points they got on an assignment. This way they knew what they got correct but they also felt better than just getting a bad score. We could then have more conversations about how they could continue to improve!

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Angela Homan
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Something that I’ve found with some of my students throughout the years is that they don’t know how to regulate their emotions. Instead of yelling at them, I prefer a conversation about what happened but only after I give them some time to cool down. I love this suggestion though because I think it’s the perfect conversation starter. What other ideas have you used with students?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
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One of the best ways I've found to start building relationships with students (please keep in mind I did this with elementary students) was to ask them for songs that made them feel good BUT there couldn't any inappropriate lyrics. I would sometimes use instrumental versions if I couldn't find clean versions of the songs. I would use this to build a playlist and when students were doing independent work, I would play it. Students loved it and got to share with me why they chose the song.

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I loved teaching science and one of my favorite sections of science with severe weather. Before moving to South Carolina, I didn't experience much severe weather in Pennsylvania other than a few blizzards growing up. Once I moved here, I realized how valuable this lesson in science truly was. I have attached a planning guide and rubric from when I taught severe storms. I have done this a number of ways, but this refers to a board -- we had Discovery Education so students could create 'boards' to share this information. This also easily done in PPT, Canva, or any other computer tool (if you have great ideas on how to present this, please add below!). You can also have students use paper to create this! Some students have created pamphlets before and they've been just as creative!

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In my role as a math interventionist (although looking back I did it as a homeroom teacher, but I don't think as intentionally as I do it now), I have found that many of my students can do the math, they just don't believe they can. As educators, we wear so many hats and one of them is helping students see their potential. I now ask students when they answer a question for me: "Are you asking me or are you telling me?" This questions prompts students to be more convicted in their answer to me. Or if they aren't sure about their answer, it prompts them to go back and recheck it. I have the conversation with students that if they aren't sure of their answer then they need to take a second look at it. They should always answer confidently if they did the work. If it's wrong, we will figure out what happened. It has been so rewarding to hear teachers say that their students are more confident in their answers when sharing in class.

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As a math interventionist (but honestly I wish I would have thought of this as a general education teacher too!), I added a basketball hoop to my wishlist--the link is below. This has been a GAME changer (pun intended) to math fact fluency and review questions, especially with my male students! I can think of so many ways I would have used it as a general homeroom teacher too especially with trashketball (pdf attached as well). What are some other ways you get your students up and moving while also learning?

Basketball Hoop: https://www.amazon.com/Cyfie-Basketball-Desktop-Bathroom-Outdoor/dp/B01KX246AE/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2BVWSP8X37UXL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.liDrOjcZtNISrKKK62eEcdjeNttcm97BihDP3t3w8D-_mlUHmDpA3M5uzZBRYLevyuyyZo1ziBm271KfgYRDzi7xMIpSlmCojQUTjURVPiA9WkcjbhrBREaHnXZqSJCdAh-w6AOZja0_9buy7NWXEBWUeAmrGsIOuV66MVyHPx3_Wzi-mcgKXJrph_rn7oNFgJDbOTdb-ajFouAg6i-QS8WmH2IzvuGehNFjBXAp_FxbMe056cA7Fz4ngqmyNwO8XeTmufHNqj_j9rbthriWbZ1I6tyxrqv1BWbKkCnC1PM.CwIDLRZRgbpUb49MS8xyIicnSZHEvCYfoQhDmaFiozc&dib_tag=se&keywords=basketball+hoop+indoor+suction+cup&qid=1727778196&sprefix=basketball+hoop+indoor+suc%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-7

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Just as a gentle reminder. ❤️

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Absenteeism: At what point do you involve administration if a child has been frequently absent?

There are a couple of parts to this. I have worked in schools where I have been asked by admin to let them know when students have missed more than 2 days in a row. Usually after the first day, I will reach out, just saying that I missed the student and hope everything is okay. I will offer assistance if they need it. Usually parents will get back to me quickly if it's just a minor illness or a family emergency. I would say anything past 3 days in a row should go to admin, especially if you haven't heard from the family once you've reached out. I would also say that if it gets to a point that it is impacting their grades or their performance in your class, that it's time to sit down with admin and discuss next steps. They may need to be put on an attendance plan.

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
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Algebra Readiness: How can you help students understand the concept of variables when they are just beginning to learn algebra?

In my experience, this can be done early on with students learning basic addition and subtraction facts. One of the things that I often do with my math intervention students is discuss the importance of an equal sign. I will do this by incorporating a scale and have them put manipulatives (bears, base ten blocks, counters, etc) in both sides to show that equal amounts are on both sides and that the scale balances. Then we talk about missing addend problems (3 + ____ = 7) and we build it, with 7 on one side, 3 on the other and they add the manipulatives until it balances. Once we do this, I will put an object (or a letter) in for the blank (3 + a = 7) and we discuss that a=4. This is a great way to set up students for success later on!

What ideas do you use to help students?

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I’m loving this idea—what are some ways you build discussion with your students?

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For all of my fellow ELA gurus: what are some ways I can help elementary teachers (for both reading and math) by teaching the parts of words in my math intervention block? I talk about vocabulary all the time (because chances are that is the reason why my students did poorly on an assessment; lack of vocabulary knowledge) but what is a more intentional way to help? I'm thinking like 'geo-' in geometry and explaining what that means--but make it fun!

Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Angela Homan
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What professional development opportunities have you found most valuable in your teaching career?

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What strategies can I use to help students who are struggling with basic math operations?

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I love this idea! What are some ways you check in with your students?

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Jan Ogino NBCT Profile image for Angela Homan
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What professional development opportunities have you found to be the most valuable in your teaching career?

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What are some engaging activities or games to help students better understand fractions?

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How can I integrate social-emotional learning (SEL) into my daily lessons without it feeling forced or out of place?

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What are some strategies for helping students catch up after they’ve missed several days of school?

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What are some do’s and don’ts for emailing parents, colleagues, and administrators?

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Our second grade team is starting with different types of graphs. What resources or read alouds would you recommend for them?

Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Jan Ogino NBCT
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What are some of your favorite places to find warm-up questions or problems of the day for math? I had a friend just recommend this site to me and it's awesome! https://www.wouldyourathermath.com I'm looking for more great ideas!

Profile image for Kristen Poindexter Profile image for Angela Homan
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I'm looking for advice: I am a math interventionist and in my new school, I have an assistant, which is completely new for me! I have met her and we seem to hit it off super well. I'm just looking for ideas on how to balance leading her and also give her autonomy to use ideas that she also has for our small groups. She has experience so it's not as though this is brand new to her.

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My new school is looking for ways that related arts (music, art, and PE) can integrate math into their lessons easily. Any ideas or research that you’ve found that helps this work? We are doing this Kinder through 5th grade.

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What are some back to school bulletin boards that you’ve done and loved? (Pictures appreciated!)

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What are some of your favorite review activities (I’m thinking before a summative assessment) for math?

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I know most of us are enjoying our summer break so back-to-school resources sounds scary, BUT what are your favorite activities to do with students on the first week back that help you build relationships and set routines?

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What are some ways you give students ownership of the classroom and what happens in it?

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What are some of your favorite professional books that you recommend?

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What is a math manipulative that you use multiple ways in the classroom throughout the year?

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I saw this on LinkedIn this morning and thought about how powerful this was. The longer I teach, the more I realize that it’s about channeling the strengths that kids have both academically and social emotionally. Any a-has or connections that you have to share?

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What are some quick (5 mins or less) math fact fluency ideas that you love to use with students? Why do you love it?

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What are some ways you incorporate fluency into your daily instruction?

Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed
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How do you help new classroom teachers mainstream exceptional students? Many new teachers struggle to make sure they are meeting the needs of all students. Any tips would be appreciated!

Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed
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What are some of your best math test prep from third through fifth grade ideas? I’m trying to compile some ideas for my teachers!

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I have a good friend whose nephew is heading into first grade and needs some online reading resources to help with practice. Besides the obvious in reading books, what are some great sites I could offer?

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What are some tools you use to measure fact fluency for elementary school students?

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What are some great math read alouds for elementary (3-5th grades specifically)? Bonus if it’s a chapter book!

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How do you hold students accountable during centers? Specifically for second through fifth grade. Some teachers at my school are struggling with this and would love some additional ideas to share!

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What are some easy to make math games or review to send home with students to practice with their families? Target audience would be 1st-3rd grades.

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What are some ways that you build relationships between students throughout the year in elementary school? I think the teachers at our school are great at doing it in the first few weeks but then don’t continue throughout the school year once standards are started. I would love to share some ideas at our next PLC!

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Looking for some ideas that my 5th grade teachers can use!

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How do you support struggling readers?

Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Ashley Thomas
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How can you promote a positive behavior in your learning environment?

Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
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