How do you structure your prep time to get through all of your tasks?

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5 answers
1 helpful

There is no way you can do it all.
1. Take care of personal needs first. Get a snack, drink and go to the bathroom.
2. Next, take care of what needs done before the end of the day. Send an email, catch a few minutes from your admin, make copies, whatever you need to do soon.
3. If time allows, think about what needs done before tomorrow.

Keep it simple. Keep a running list of to do’s then quickly cross them out when they are done.


This can be a tricky at times as itinerant or other teachers can struggle with prep times that are spread out through the day and/or doubled up on one day and void another day.
For many new and veteran teachers the priority should be to make sure you take the time to actually have a prep period. Making time for yourself and your personal and then professional needs is key to longevity in the field.

We do not have guaranteed prep time. If there is not a substitute for a specialist, then there is no prep time. So my first piece of advice is to not wait until the day of something to complete work.

1. Go to bathroom first.
2. I like to make copies before and after school when the lines are shorter. I arrive early so before school works for me.
3. I like to plan one subject at a time. On Tuesdays, I plan math for the next week. On Wednesdays, I plan science/social studies. And so on.
4. I save correcting papers for after school so that I can record in online software and put in student mailboxes before I leave for the day.

This may sound odd, but you have to actually plan your prep time. I have specific days that I complete tasks. I stay on top of the grading so that I will not fall behind. I also delegate some of the minor tasks to students. Volunteers are a great way to help manage the time. I make sure that I stay as organized as possible to ensure effectiveness.

This is a great question! I will often make a to do list either on Friday before I leave or first thing Monday morning. Then I slowly chip away at it during the week during my prep. I’ll start with the most important and then work to things that I hope to get finished!
