Our school has recently adopted Magic School AI (https://app.magicschool.ai/auth/signin)
It has an amazing amount of material not only for faculty but for students as well in a safe environment. The AI's training information is updated to 2023 which makes it reliable but like all AI always needs to be checked. Additionally, I would also recommend ISTE.org and check out their AI ethics curriculum. I am using it this year with our 6th graders before introducing them to the Magic School tools. Our staff will be undergoing training this year for the Magic School tools and it has a wealth of online training available as well as certifications.
There is one tool one of our local teachers shared that she uses in her daily teaching with a SMART board and that is DELL-E - "Produce AI-generated images and art with text prompts" - check out more information here: https://askaichat.app/onboarding-visual-chat?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=askai_website_go_search_us_purchase_generic_chatgpt_imageart_inf_200224&&utm_term=dalle&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8MG1BhCoARIsAHxSiQk7bADSa2LHrMlqpbT5DMcUMJsdhfwckntWlhv1_Y-gkzH4sQY5Z94aAiLFEALw_wcB