Does your district operate under a modified calendar? What is your start and end date? What would your ideal school year calendar look like?

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My school operates year-round, so students get a brief week and a half off in the summer before jumping back in. While the continuous learning model has its perks, like reducing summer learning loss and providing more frequent breaks. My ideal school year would start in September and wrap up by the first week of June. That way, we get a proper summer break enough time to recharge and enjoy a true, sun-soaked vacation before hitting the books again!

In Arkansas, we have 4 calendar options.
1. Traditional
2. Instructional Hour
3. Year- round
4. 4- day Week

Instructional hour has been the favorite since our LEARNS legislation was passed. The new legislation prevents any virtual learning days and any inclement weather days would have to be made up at the end of the year.
The instructional hour model allows us to bank time over the course of the year which equates to about 7 school days. This gives us built in snow days to use instead of extending the school year.

We also have several smaller districts that have switched to the 4- day week.

Wow that’s amazing! So many great options. There was a time when several smaller K-12 schools tried the 4 day week but many have transitioned back.
Michigan has also bounced back and forth between mandated days in a year, hours, or a combination of the two.